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May 23, 2022

What Is the Success Rate of 30-Day Rehab Programs?

Drug, alcohol, and other substance use rehabilitation centers present information to encourage people with substance use disorder to check themselves into facilities. Although many aspects of the information are correct, not all of them are. In some cases, the proffered information may not be the best for the prospective patient.


People respond to treatment differently, and no two recovery journeys are the same. In light of this truth, 30-day rehab programs may not be ideal for every person looking to recover from substance use disorder. Read this article to see one example out of many projecting the inefficacy of 30-day rehab programs, especially for severe addiction cases.

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The success rate of a 30-day rehab program depends on the severity of the addiction. Some cases do not require intensive care, so using the program as part of the recovery process may be effective. But when it is a severe case of addiction, whether to drugs or alcohol, a 30-day program may be ineffective. The individual will require more time and supervision if they are to successfully recover.


People who successfully go through the 30-day program and remain clean are many. The steps of the program are intensive and inculcate a sense of belonging and balance in the life of the people. A lot of them follow the routine and live a life free of substance abuse. However, the success story is not a hundred percent. Some fall off the wagon and go back to old ways. This is the argument some experts use to prove that a longer period is necessary for complete recovery.

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If this is the case, you may wonder why rehab facilities still recommend the program. There may be a few reasons. One is that the process of detoxification and withdrawal does not take up to one month. Another is insurance; most times, insurance covers rehab treatments for only 28 to 30 days. Since not everybody is willing to pay for rehab out of their pocket, you will find them unwilling to commit.

Possible Solution

The rate of success of a 30-day rehab program depends on several factors. Click here: https://www.theclearingnw.com/ to learn about these factors. If you need to stay longer in a rehab center and your insurance company is unwilling to cover the extra costs, the rehab center can work with you to get the insurance cover you need. It is the job of the facility to determine whether you need more care and attention, depending on the severity of the addiction and the damage caused because of it.

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Therefore, they are in the best position to speak with insurance agents on your behalf. But if that does not work, there are other options to cover the cost. Family and other loved ones can contribute to help with the cost of your stay in a facility. There are also government facilities that may not be as expensive as privately-owned ones.


How to Know a 30-Day Rehab Program Is Right for You

Before choosing the option of a 30-day rehab program to recover from addiction, you must determine whether it is right for you. As we have mentioned before now, the success rate of these programs is not one hundred percent and there are factors that decide their efficacy for an individual.

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Find programs near your location. You can search online using the keywords – 30-day rehab programs near me and select suitable options. When you find the ones most suited to your needs, check the following:


  • How it caters to unique needs. The recovery process is affected by several factors such as background, social status, education, age, and gender, among others. Personal preferences also come into play in how a person responds to treatment. While facilities tend to have general procedures, they should also accommodate individual needs.


  • The approaches it employs. Apart from catering to individual needs, a rehab program must also use a holistic approach to treating its patients. Addictions affect every aspect of a human being, so it is best to treat the body and mind simultaneously.
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  • Therapies that the center uses as part of the recovery process. One of the most effective therapies in addiction rehab centers is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is a therapy that encourages practicality so that you can get to the root of the addiction. It helps you to recognize destructive thoughts and habits. Afterward, a therapist helps you to overcome them by showing you ways to modify your thought and behavioral processes.


  • Its detoxification processes. The center must have professionals who carefully monitor the process of detoxification, which is the process of ridding your body of toxic substances. It is a necessary step towards recovery but can have unpleasant effects while it is happening. The side effects of detoxification may be more severe in cases of deep addiction. So, a 30-day program may not be long enough for the individual to recover.
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  • The method of assessment. Many cases of addiction happen due to an underlying mental health issue. Also, substance use can lead to a deterioration of mental health. The program must have an assessment method to determine whether or not an individual has both mental health disorder and substance use disorder. Additionally, they must have the capacity to treat a co-occurring disorder.


  • Steps to prevent relapses. Preventing relapse in recovering patients is vital to their abstinence and general health. There are several techniques to employ, which may include avoiding companies that encouraged self-destructive habits. It also helps to have people to whom they are accountable for the foreseeable future while they recover.
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  • Aftercare. A 30-day program usually has a program for post-rehab that every patient must strictly adhere to to promote their health. It is easy to fall back into using drugs or drinking alcohol even when you have broken ties with old friends. Sticking to the post-rehab program helps with self-care until you can stand on your own.


About forty to sixty percent of people who use the 30-day rehab program can stay off destructive substances after the program. The numbers are good but dependent on the severity of the addiction and the treatment method of each facility. It also depends on the support from loved ones, willingness to recover, general health, and adherence to aftercare routines.

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